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Playing conditions:

Rating List.png
MCERL_Rating List.png

Ordo by Miguel A. Ballicora.

Darius's comment
The MCERL is growing :)
I am very happy about this fact, because the vast majority of chess engines you wanted to see in MCERL - is already here !

In addition to the latest versions of the most powerful engines such as Arasan, Berserk, Koivisto and RubiChess, there were relatively "young" engines such as Devre, Nawito and Velvet. 

I also warmly welcome established chess engines that have provided excitement to computer chess enthusiasts for many years: Crafty, Gaviota, Glaurung and GnuChess.

Are the results achieved by chess engines running on a Mac surprising ?
Yes and No.
  • Yes, the progress of the Berserk engine is impressive! Berserk has bravely climbed to the top of the strongest (#4). Hearty congratulations to author Jay Honnold.
  • Yes, the Ethereal engine is not available to Mac users in its strongest version with a modern NNUE network. Ethereal 13.50, which after playing several hundred chess games without access to the NNUE network, plays weaker than its predecessor Ethereal version 13.00. 
  • No, the playing power of MCERL's long-awaited Lc0 (OpenCL) engine running on a Mac is at a much lower level than that possible on, say, a Linux system using the resources of a dedicated graphics card (e.g., NVidia RTX & the closed-source CUDA framework). Despite this, Lc0 certainly has a lot to offer, as his playing power is greater than any grandmaster and his playing style provides very interesting and spectacular duels and analysis.
What's coming in the future with MCERL ?

The latest version of the Stockfish engine will certainly be on the list, and maybe, maybe... we'll get another version of the award-winning Shredder engine (I'm looking forward to the 14th release).


I sincerely thank you for all your sent comments, suggestions and ideas. Without your interest and support, this ranking list would not exist. Thanks ! :)



And lastly, a little surprise...

Below is something that wasn't in previous editions of MCERL. A browser of chess games selected by me.
Out of thousands of chess engine games, I have selected the ones that I liked the most and stuck in my memory. I invite you to browse through, I assure you, it's worth it. Some of these games are really impressive with sacrifices of the strongest figures included.
Enjoy :)


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