Do you know how a minimal program capable of playing chess can develop ?
Here is Seawall, a computer chess player playing at the level of the best human players - 2829 Elo !

The creator of Seawall free open source chess engine under GNU GPL 3 license, is Mr. Pétur Runólfsson.
Seawall is a very young engine, the first published version of which was released just six months ago!

Source: MCERL (ongoing)
Although not yet equipped with advanced algorithms, it can play eye-catching chess!
What can this engine do? Check it out!*
White is led by Seawall, black by Kimbo.
Kimbo, is also a relatively young chess engine that is being vigorously developed, with new versions published frequently.
On the chessboard, a position that seemingly can be judged more favorable to black. The white Knight is tied up and seems to stand at a loss.
White's move.

A brave decision! At the cost of Rook, Seawall opens the position and turns on his figures to directly attack the black King's position.

Kimbo did not disdain Rook and "free" took it for himself.
White's response is strong: 20.Bxh6.
The black King's fortification is melting away.

Seawall opens the diagonals for white Bishops. Will black manage to save this game ?

The desperate attempt to shield the black monarch does not carry the expected result. White opens more lines and includes more figures in the direct assault of the black King.

Almost all of the white forces are concentrated on the King's wing - where the Kimbo King is desperately watching events unfold.

Is it time to give up?

Yes, Blacks can no longer turn the game in their favor.

Seawall concentrated his attack so hard that the game ended in a matte!

Feel free to download Seawall for popular operating systems:
Linux arm64 & x64 – Compiled by Darius
Mac Apple Silicon & Intel – Compiled by Darius
Windows x32 & x64 – Compiled by Darius
In the Files area you will find free chess engines for download.
* Diagrams generated in the Arena program.